The Employment Opportunity Hour Podcast

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 Résumés are often misunderstood. Some people say they should be one, two, three or more pages. Others say they should be job specific. Still others say you should or shouldn’t include an objective, activities, hobbies, enjoyments, etc. Many people who want to create or write a résumé often guess what should be on a résumé without questioning why. 

Then, there are the readers of résumés: people whose job it is to find people to fill positions in companies and organizations (interviewers, human resource representatives); people who are looking to create jobs around your unique skills, abilities, and experience (job developers); and people who want to know more about you so they can help you.

Then, there are those who teach or assist others to develop résumés. Many say things such as, only focus on accomplishments over the past ten years, do not include dates because they reveal your age, and the employer only wants to see…, etc., without understanding how they themselves and the employer representative (interviewers, human resource representatives) developed their own skills, abilities, and experiences.

Our résumé workshops have helped thousands of individuals to find enjoyable employment while satisfying employer productivity needs. For more on this amazing book, click here now.

CALL-IN: 727-441-3000

Guests - 2017 

Mr. Dukes                         1 - June 

Scott Howard / Mary Ellis  4 - May 

Master's Tips                   27 - Apr

Best of Gene                  20 - Apr

Best of Gene                  13 - Apr

Vernon Small / Craig Authur 6 - Apr

Jennifer Garland              30 - Mar

Wiretapping Policticians     23 - Mar

Space X / Immigrants       16 - Mar

Melissa Peavey                 9 - Mar 

Fake News                       2 - Mar

Courtney Starr                  23 - Feb

Best of Gene                    16 - Feb 

Richard Parraro                  9 - Feb

New President Jobs             2 - Feb

Ella Glascow                      26 - Jan

Nadine Lajoie                    19 - Jan

Predictions for '17               14 - Jan

Predictions for '17               5 - Jan 

Guests - 2016

Best of Gene                  30 - Dec

Tom Baptist                    22 - Dec

Ramone Agostini             15 - Dec

Bill Cochran                     1 - Dec

Joe Fedision / September Dorhmann - 17 - Nov

Larry Labelle                   10 - Nov 

Elga Azofeifa                  22 - Sep

Bobby / Jaquan Glymp     15 - Sep

Shawn Jackson / Bobby     4 - Aug

Shawn Jackson / Bobby     28 -Jul

Mama J Speaks                 2 - Jun

Shawn Jackson / Pete        19 - May

Pete                              21 - Apr

Yael-Eylat / Tanaka           14 - Apr

Mike Bryan / Shawn / Chris  3 - Mar

Shawn Jackson                 11 - Feb

Richard Haley                   4 - Feb

Janie McGrew                   7 - Jan

Guests - 2015

Veronica Jones, Debbie        10 - Dec

Brenda Lizeth, Bobby           12 - Nov

Dee Wilkens                       15 - Oct

Mark Berio, Paulette May       1 - Oct

Shawn Jackson                    17 - Sept

Adrian Pena, Charmant Theodore, Linda Almanda  10 - Sept

Dawn Reese                        27 - Aug

Shawn Jackson                    20 - Jun

Dee Wilkens                         13 - Aug

Willie Harper                         11 - Jun

William Boggs                       28 - May

Trudy Patterson                     21 - May

Trudy Patterson                     14 - May

Dr. Bob Minzak                       7 - May

Dr. Bob Minzak                       30 - Apr

Mama Mac / Dr. Angel             30 - Apr

Pete                                       23 - Apr

Pete                                        9 - Apr

Dave Degores                         26 - Feb

Bill Cochran                             26 - Feb

Dan Haverty                            26 - Feb

Bob Minzak                              19 - Feb 

Fred Hinton                               22 - Jan

Dawn Reese                               8 - Jan

Mike Bryan                                 8 - Jan 

Guest - 2012 

Felita McNeill                    26-Jan

John Hobbs                       2-Feb

Ressurection Graves           9-Feb

Best of - Gene                 16-Feb

Nadine Lejoie                  23-Feb

Dave Wagonvoord             1-Mar

Dave Wagonvoord             8-Mar

Felita McNeill                   15-Mar

Mike Bryan/Phil Espz        22-Mar

Walt Morey                     29-Mar

Gene Celebration              5-Apr

Wen Boley                      12-Apr

Bob Circosta                   19-Apr

Rodrick Calhoun              26-Apr


Guest  - 2011

Larry Labelle/Joe Jones    13-Jan

Marlin Hartsfield              27-Jan

Vincent Smith                   3-Feb

James West                   17-Feb

lee Clark                        24-Feb

Nancy Barry                    10-Mar

Jim Webb                      24-Mar

Simone Boutin                31-Mar

Tom Baptist                      7-Apr

Bill Apgar/Eddie Tomayo   21-Apr

Scott Howard                   28-Apr

Nick Destefano                5-May

Simone Boutin/Benny     12-May

Eddie Tomayo                26-May

Nancy Baptist                   9-Jun

Ingrid & Peter Czizcomski 16-Jun

Ekow                             23-Jun

Frank Hodge                  30-Jun

Mekiola Grace                 14-Jul

Sherita Herring                4-Aug

Irv Schein-David Martin   11-Aug

Ressurection Graves       25-Aug

Carmine  Festa                8-Sep

Scott Howard                  15-Sep

Gene-Mark Arubio           22-Sep

Gene-rerun                     29-Sep

Gene-Mark Arubio             6-Oct

Sherita Herring               20-Oct

Gene-  Mark Arubio         27-Oct

Gene-Hal Fisher                3-Nov

Berny Dorhmann               10-Nov

Norma Hollis                     17-Nov

Eddie Tomayo/Berny rerun  24-Nov

Irv Schein-David Martin      1-Dec

Steve Schroeder                 8-Dec

Lance Walker                    22-Dec

Thinking about starting a business, an entrepreneur or inventor? Get free business coaching by contacting John R Hobbs, via email or phone 239-404-2871, for appointment!


with Gene Hodge

Connecting jobseekers & entreprenuers with career opportunities. Gene Hodge is a futurist, author, motivational speaker, and training consultant; and Founder & President of Hodgepodge Training Inc. (HTI) and Hi-Tech Training Associates (HTA), Gene brings 20 years of experience and innovation from corporate information systems, training, and management dedicated to providing quality training to make people and organizations more productive. Gene has taught computer and job-seeking skills training to seniors, minorities, veterans, and unemployed individuals for St. Petersburg College, Pinellas Technical Education Centers (PTEC), Transitioning Professionals of Tampa Bay, and the Bay Pines Veterans Administration Hospital. Gene has developed a unique methodology that focuses on integrating individuals skills, abilities, experience, and passion combines with computer technology that matches a happy, holistic worker, who enjoys their work, with compatible jobs, improving employer productivity He has provided ‘Career Transition Workshops' for out-placement for companies such as: Right Management Associates, Lee Hecht Harrison, Drake Beam Morin, and implemented his programs for the Department of Labor and Regional Workforce Development Boards, and five colleges (University of Hartford, University of New Haven, Quinnipiac University, Gateway Community-Technical College, and Housatonic Community-Technical College (all in Connecticut), enabling over 1500 individuals to gain enjoyable employment. Gene earned his A.S. degree in Data Processing from Springfield Technical Institute, B.S. degree in computer science from the University of Massachusetts, Masters in Education from Cambridge College, and teacher certificate from Westfield State College. He is also certified to teach computer related courses in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Florida. Email:

Download The Employment Opportunity Hour 21-10-2024 (50.04 MB)

Duration: 54:39 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 128 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ

The Employment Opportunity Hour