Spectrum 360- Prg. 14.07: '14 Feb. 17 Mon.
Program Segments:
01) Interview- live via telephone: Chuck Terzian Topic: Event- Fundraiser for Mercy Keepers and a Paula Withaus murder case update!
02) Interview- live via telephone: Edwin Enciso Topic: Event- Legicamp on Feb. 08 and 09, the Progressive perspective on the upcoming Florida Legislature session for 2014. http://facebook.com/AwakeTampa
03) Comments- pre- recorded: U. S. Rep. Alan Grayson Topic: The proposed Trans- Pacific Partnership trade treaty and how bad it is for the U. S. A. Excellent overview of the T. P. P. This is a “must- listen” segment! http://tradetreachery.com/
Filetype: MP3
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