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'14 Jun. 30 Mon.


Spectrum 360- 14.26: '14 Jun. 30 Mon.

Program Segments

01)  Interview- Live: Jay Alexander and Thomas Lingo with St. Pete For Peace about the anti- Iraq War Peace Demonstration on Fri. 27 June'14 in Tampa  About 8 minutes.

02)  Panel Discussion- Recorded: St. Pete For Peace panelists discuss the current state of war and peace in Iraq and Syria.  Good discussion!  12:05

03)  Segment- Recorded: Coverage of the I. R. S. controversy and fake scandal from The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell  featuring comedy by The Daily Show.  Funny and great analysis.  09:14

04)  Panel Discussion: Christopher Hedges, Cornel West and Richard D. Wolff on the topic"Anatomy of A Revolution- Part 01: Thomas Paine from the Left Forum.  Very intelligent and relevant discussion!  10:15

Plus jokes and more!



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