Freedom Works Radio Show

Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 10-11am (EST.) on the Tan Talk Radio Network.

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Bob Moffit of The Heritage Foundation on the health care battle continues


Top 10 most notorious traitors

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US Congressman Ron DeSantas on Donald Trump's run


Top 10 most conservative cities in America

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Johnathan Wood - Pacific Legal Foundation, Wyoming Pond Survives EPA


Johnathan Wood - Pacific Legal Foundation, Wyoming Pond Survives EPA

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Heather Kays from on School Choice Update


Top 10 cities in the US that are most Liberal

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Heather Kays from on School Choice Update


Top 10 best towns to live for people that like the outdoors

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James Sherk - Heritage Foundation Overtime Pay Rule


Top 10 Most Corrupt Countries

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Shawn House Libertarian candidate for Congress on the Libertarian Convention


Top 10 most comfortable cars under $30,000

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John Tamny author of "Who needs the Fe"


Top 10 wealthiest, healthiest and happiest countries

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Heather Kays from on School Choice Update


Top 10 theme parks with the best roller coasters

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Iain Murray, Competitive Enterprise Institute on Inequality Programs Don't Work


Top 10 Weirdest Tax Laws

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