Pan Hellenic News

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Pan Hellenic News


Listen to all the statements of Leonidas Raptakis, Rhode Island State Senator, who spoke at the radio program “Panhellenic News” for burning issues, inside and outside USA. “We have to have a comprehensive immigration policy. 8 million undocumented individuals came into the country the last few years. We should be tougher, combine a Trump and Biden policy, and communicate at state level” said Mr. Raptakis. Mr. Raptakis who is holding the position since 2013, and adds 28 years in political life, stated that his family comes from the island of Andros and his father asked for asylum in the USA many years ago. He spoke about the Menendez case, the war in the Middle East, the relationship between USA-Turkey, and the inflation in the American Economy. Here are some of the key points: Greece – Cyprus – USA have been partners and have signed agreements about East–Med, including Alexandroupoli – Volos – Souda – Kalamata and also in Cyprus, as a lot of American assets visiting the island. The USA also partnered with Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia in the Eastern Mediterranean Coalition and there is a lot of diplomacy in the area. Hopefully, the conflict between Israel and Palestine won't spill over the borders of Gaza. Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt should step up on the issue of Palestinian refugees. We allowed Hamas to be the regional power in Gaza. Violence has to stop. Gaza is the Palestinian's home it’s a big mistake to transfer people. Turkey has been a thorn in the back of Nato. Erdogan feels he has been left out and is trying to be the leader of Palestinians. F-35: The United States Congress got Turkey out of the F-35 program. Greece is opposed to this as well as the Jewish lobby. After Menendez stepped down as the Senate’s Foreign Relations Chairman, the new chairman continued the same position by suspending the program. The jury is going to decide about the federal indictment of Menendez. He is running again for reelection in 2024. He asked the Greek–American communities to work hard to promote issues about Greece and Cyprus. General Assembly Meeting for the Pancyprian Association of Florida, with the presence of the congressman Gus Bilirakis, was held on November 5th, at Tarpon Springs. President Varnavas Zagaris stated that Turkish troops divided Cyprus 50 years ago and occupied 36% of the island. “We want our properties back,” said Mr. Varnavas, and added that Turkey has been a thorn to the Western countries and wondered if NATO needs this ally. “Greeks need to support all the Greek organizations and educate the youth. Come with us this May and march in Washington for the Cyprus issue” suggested Mr. Zagaris. "Panhellenic News" on air live every Wednesday at 4-5 pm from TAN TALK Radio at 106, 1 FM and 1340 AM and online at: www. Sponsored by the Panhellenic Federation of Florida.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 49.24MB - Duration: 53:47 m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)

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